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Welcome to The Vitality Secret Podcast. I am Neil Cannon, author of The Vitality Secret, certified fitness nutrition specialist, health coach and creator of an award-winning online program. Listen to inspiring interviews with people who have reversed “incurable diseases.” Each person shares their journey of determination and curiosity, which ultimately prepared them for a far better life beyond survival…one rich in vitality. 

You’ll also hear from some of the world’s leading pioneers in holistic health.

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Dec 4, 2017

I met Paleo Boss Lady, Diane V Capaldi, at Bulletproof Coffee in Santa Monica where you often meet very interesting people. I overhead her advising a girl how to develop new habits to burn fat and get into a great state of health. Here she explains how she reversed advanced stages of Multiple Sclerosis. 

I loved how she was talking and the language she was using and we soon got talking. She shared that she did a TEDx talk entitled ‘Cultural Collision' which was about how culture can often stand in the way of being in a peak state of health and vitality. How true I thought to myself. 

1.30: V has managed to reverse every symptom of MS and sees no doctors. She also explains how she was ready to commit suicide

2:00 - How she lost her life savings

5:15 - $2,500 a month, too disease management drugs

3:00 - Doctors' advice was drugs, drugs and more drugs. “Prepare to be bedridden.” She swallowed that pill until she decided to take matters into her own hands.

3.50 - Yoga every day

4:05 - First dietary shift, V made

4:50 – How to feed the mitochondria

5.20 – Explanation of eating as our ancestors would eat

6:10 – Pay attention to avoid fruits and veggies that are most toxic

7:10 – How to save and not go organic with everything

7:40 – Turning your body from a sugar burner to a fat burner

8:00 – Fasting

8:15 – Powerful methods to decrease inflammation

9:30 – What happens after “keto flu”

9:55 – How brain fog goes away

10:25 – “Fat is her drug of choice” and Bulletproof Coffee

10:55 – Brain Octane & MCT oils

11:20 – Master of Biohacking #Dave Asprey

11:50 – Managing ketosis

12:30 – How taste buds change and sugar cravings diminish

13:15 – How she now loves spicy foods when she didn’t use to

14.20 – No.1 piece of advice for anyone suffering from MS or an autoimmune disease

14:40 – Know that there is hope

14:50 – Managing your mitochondria – TED talk recommendation

15:00 – Healing your gut - the root of all healing!

15:25 – #1 Gut destroyer

16:00 – Why American gluten is so harmful

16:45 – Top resource for MS, supporting your mitochondria

17:48 – V’s (Diane’s) TEDx talk: Cultural Collision. How your culture can prevent you from tapping into ultimate health. So important!!!

18:30 – The negative role culture plays in our health

19:20 – How to reach V

19:50 – Thank you Dave Asprey @bulletproofexec for bringing us together.

Find Paleo Boss lady Here:

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